Have you ever thought of the difference between HAPPY & CONTENTED and BE CONTENTED & HAPPY. I used to be moody and unsatisfied with my life all the time until one fine day, one of my very close friend tell me to be contented and be happy...I expect alot out of my life and i work very hard towards achieving my goals. I am exhausted and tired hence feeling moody and unsatisfied with my life despite the fact that I had a very good and supportive husband and family members.
This friend of mine tells me to learn to be contented with my life. She said the only way I can be happy is to be contented. She said it is very difficult for a person to be happy first then be contented because human beings are greedy. No matter how much we have we will not be happy. So, we have to learn to be contented first then we'll be happy. I always remember what she said and when I'm down like now, I will remind myself again to be contented. Is easier said than done especially for a thinker like me.
I envy those who can leave behind their children to maid and they go for their dance class, yoga or even a drink with friends at night. I can never do that or should I say I never have a chance to do so. I can only look forward to my children growing up and then have some time on my own and do what I like and go wherever I wanna go. Well, I also count my blessing because Brandon is very sensitive and he will know when I'm down and he will say things like " Mommy, why are u so sad? Don't be sad la, I love you! I don't like to see you sad.." Each time after hearing what he said, I would tell myself that whatever happen now is just temporary and it will be over soon. Like the chinese saying " After sunset, you will next see a bright and sunny day" Correct me if I'm wrong because I'm not quite too sure too but something like this!!:)
Linda, it is right to be feeling insecure..you are not alone.
I also, like you, cannot imagine putting Jeriel with maid n go out. Othniel n I always go everywhere with Jeriel which some ppl said why just don't leave with my parents. But then, we just refuse to...however, we enjoy going out with Jeriel even though to some ppl it is troublesome...
To be contented in this world is not easy to do as it says..
I am learning to be contented with my life...also you also help to motivate me a lot too...
Thanks for being such a great friend Linda...
I agree with you when you say that be contented & happy. The more we expect the more disappointed we will be. So just be happy for what we have now.
It's not easy to dettach yourself from your children as you are with them the whole day. And it's not wrong to just go out once in a while for a "ME" time or a "WE" time with your husband. It actually gives you two good results. Your relationship with your husband gets closer and you get to release some stress (when you go shopping). As a result you become a happier person at home and your family too will be happy to see you happy.
well, i used to be unsatisfied with my life too...and used to worry a lot...but aas we aged, i guess those feelings just go away! now i feel so blessed and i always believed that God always has His ways on working His things...
so now i've hubby and blessed with a cute daughter, i thk i'm more than contented :-)
Thanks for sharing this wonderful post with us .
I m actually learning to be contented and happy too .
I know chanel ( ex-schoolmate ) & Ita (ex-housemate) too, i think they know i m kind of unhappy or should say easy to be unhappy person . i duno y. Mayb is my nature . But i also try to be happy and be satisfied with what i have now . Sometime is not easy. Cos i get frus when i cant get what i want too. , human is very hard to fulfill sometime . I m this human .hehehe.
But i m glad, i hv a great parents in law which always "open hand" to take k my son when i need it.
So... u r not alone ... we just need to find a right way for ourself.
take k ya.
To all of you gals,
Tks for understanding and listening to my never ending nonsense:)Everything shld resume normal soon...
What a wonderful post! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :o)
Hi Linda, I have a tag for you:
Brandon is such a good boy!
Have a nice weekend!
Linda, I feel that when I become a mum to my child, she has becoming a part of me, my soul and my life. Just imagine there are so many people who does not have children, n we are so blessed to have at least one with us :)
I am contented with what I have, grateful with all the happiness around me. And i wish u the same too :)
chin nee
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