Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
There are just too many episodes in life for us to worry. Don't know when will it end? I'm tired!! I'm really really TIRED!! Hoping to get away from my children for a couple of days. I seriously need some ME-Time!! I need the space to find myself again!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Friday, August 29, 2008
1) Eat
2) No
3) Sit Chau = Sit Down
4) Mi E Mau = Mickey Mouse
5) Elmo
6) I want
7) Mau ( Want in Bahasa )
8) Bai Ci Ke = Bicycle
9) Bag
10) A Ou = Hello
11) Daddy
12) Mommy
13) Kor Kor
14) Pam poo = Pampers
She could even count from 1-6. She said One, Oo, Wee, Four, Fi, Six..I'm really impressed when I heard because Brandon started to called Mommy only when he was 20 mths old. I suppossed girls are more chatty.
She loves to play with her brother's toy. She would play with trucks, cars and aeroplane and she will jump and run and play rough with Brandon. Well, she still has her girly side where she would want me to put on my head band on her. She is so vain that she wanted me to buy her a hair clip when I happen to be in the accesorries shop. She knew what lipstick is when I saw her taking out my lipstick from my handbag and started rubbing it against her lips. I am starting to worry now because at this young age she already knew so much..I'm sure she will give me a lot of challenges when she grew up:)

It is really tough to choose and my list of friends are:
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Brandon wanted to know what daddy bought. He asked " Is that a handphone or a lotion?"
Mommy said"Is not a lotion darling. I think is a watch!" Open up and see la now..Brandon said. So, to satisfy his curiousity, I unwrapped the box and found this set of watch..
Friday, August 8, 2008
Daddy is a man with few words. When asked " Do you love me?" He'll answered " Yes, I love you." Why do you love me? Mommy asked...Daddy's answer" If I can tell you why I love you, that's not love anymore. You don't love a person for a reason, you love them as a whole". When mommy sometimes jokingly complaint and say " Aiya, why are you so poor?" Daddy will always answered mommy with a smile and said " Who said I'm poor? I'm rich!! I'm rich with love!! I gave you all the love that I had..why do you want so much money? Love better!!..:)
Mommy wants to thank daddy for all his uncondition love given all these years and mommy is glad to have him as a life partner.
Daddy never failed to be around mommy when mommy is down. He is always there to help out with the childrens and house chores too eventhough we have a maid with us. What more can mommy ask for when god has given the best to mommy. Having had a loving, understanding and caring husband is all a women wanted. Mommy is blessed to have a happy family and hope this happy moment will continue as long as we live.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
On Friday morning, I realised there are more rash and it started to itch. Besides that, each time I took the antibiotic I had diarrhoea. This time I got really anxious and worried. I called back Singapore hoping to speak to my doctor but unfortunately he is off on Friday but managed to speak to the hospital pharmacist and I was told to stop the medication. I quickly called my family doctor in KL but he is off for the weekend too. I'm starting to feel depressed because of the rash and I had to wear long sleeve shirt and pants to hide it. I start to feel lousy and lost of confidence. I don't know what to do and lost too because doctor told me that for this condition, there's only symtomatic treatment as the rash will recover by itself between 6 to 12 weeks. Oh mine!! I'm thinking even a day can kill me, how am I to wait for 6 weeks or worst is 12 weeks. Is he kidding me??
My hubby started checking through the internet on these 2 conditions and found that most patients can only wait for it to disappear by itself. Some Pityriasis Lichenoides Chronica patients had the rash for 5 yrs and sometimes it relapse. As for Pityriasis Rosea, patients experience as long as 6 months. I couldn't wait as my rash got really worst this time and I immediately see my doctor the moment I'm back in Singapore on Tuesday. Doctor said is likey to be PR (Pityriasis Rosea) by looking at the rash. In a way, I'm a little relief because PR tends to be acute. This round , I'm was prescribe Piriton and Prednisolone to control the itch and swellings. I'm hoping the rash will disappear soon and I can start to live my life as before. I must say I'm lucky to have a very supportive husband to listen and check everything for me to calm me down. I have been down for a couple of weeks lately. That's why I didn't update my blogs since the past week..
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Mommy knew Brandon will grow up to be a caring and loving boy. Mommy hope Brandon and Brandee will grow up loving each other like how they love now. Mommy has been talking to Brandon on the importance of loving his family and friends when he is little and now mommy is happy to see the results.
Friday, July 25, 2008
When all the students had a cup of coffee, the professor said: "If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up,leaving behind the simple and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee.In most cases, it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups... Then you began eyeing each other's cups."
Now consider this: "Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of Life we live. Sometimes, by concentrating on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee. Enjoy your coffee!."
*The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything*
1) Live simply. 2) Love generously. 3) Care deeply. 4) Speak kindly.
You are the miracle, my friend; your life either shines a light OR casts a shadow! Shine a light & enjoy the Coffee!!!
For those who have seen this, I'm sure you wouldn't mind reading again and for those who haven't, I'm sure you must have heard it many times somewhere. Now, many of us is chasing for the best cup in order to have a better coffee..Do we really need the best cup to enjoy the best coffee? Life is short!! We only Live Once!! We don't want to wait till we get the best cup to taste the best coffee...It may be too late...Think about it...
This is similar to what I've wrote on 22nd April "BE CONTENTED & HAPPY"
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Yesterday I decided to ask Brandon what he would buy;
Mommy: Brandon, what do u want to buy for daddy's birthday?
Brandon: I don't know.
Mommy: What do u want to give him?
Brandon: Give him a cake la.
Mommy: How about you draw daddy a birthday card?
Brandon: Okie.. How to draw?
Mommy: I'll buy u paper and teach you how to draw ok?
Brandon: ok..
Mommy: Can you tell daddy that you are going to draw him a card?
Brandon: No..
Mommy: Why not?
Brandon: Because want to SURPRISE him ma... (I didn't expect him to know what is surprise)
Mommy: You know what is surprise?
Brandon: Ya, I know...
So friends, if you have any idea of what to buy, pls share with me ok:)
Sunday, July 13, 2008
After a few days Brandon started asking for his favourite "Rice". We had Japanese food that day. Because the hotel is isolated & far from eateries, we ate mostly in the hotel.We went to Sea World the next day and both Brandon & Brandee enjoy it especially during their Sesame Street Show.
There's alot to do and see in Sea World and Movie World, but Brandon & Brandee is still a little young to enjoy it. Perhaps children around 6yrs old and above would enjoy it more.
We drove to Brisbane on the 4th day. It took us 45 minutes drive from Gold Coast to Brisbane. Brandon refused to go out. He is happy just by staying in the hotel. He said" Why want to go out mommy? No need to go out la, just stay in the hotel la. I like it this way!" Looks like I will have book a nice hotel for my next trip and just stay indoor:) We didn't do much in Brisbane eventhough we stayed for 3 nights. We then flew from Brisbane to Perth. The flight takes about 5hrs. Perth is a beautiful city, lots of greens & beautiful parks and very spacious too. We drove around and visited some friends there, again didn't do very much because little Brandee fell sick. Brought her to see a dr too. Whole trip was slow and easy. It's been an awesome family trip after all. Didn't managed to capture any picture in Perth because the camera "Kat put" on the 5th day...
It is so nice to celebrate Brandee's 1st birthday in our own home. Unfortunately daddy cannot be there to celebrate because he has to attend an important meeting in US. However, she has a bunch of cousin's there to celebrate for her. The happiest person is actually Brandon because he get to blow the candles and received a big gift from his Uncle Wei.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
On the other hand, I am not that excited to go back. I knew I have a lot more problems to solve than to enjoy a good holiday i.e Brandon's bathroom door lock is spoilt, downstairs toilet flush also spoilt and the fridge as well. Instead of enjoying my holiday, it became a problem solving trip. What to do? My hubby is away for work in USA, so i gotta do all this on my own. I mean get someone to fix it:) At the same time my neighbour is also renovating their house...phew...Really don't want to think about it..It makes me down...
I've never felt this way before. I'm always happy and excited to go back even without my hubby. Don't know why I'm feeling this way and am feeling bad about it...Just hope that it won't be as bad as I think........
Friday, May 23, 2008
Noticed Brandon started using proper words, for example, we used to tell him to go "shu shu" till one day he asked me " Mommy you want to pass urine?" So, i asked him where he learned it from and he said " My teacher teach me". I'm really happy with his school and the teachers as well.